Friday, May 21, 2010

the ugly lion with no social life

once upon a time there wan an ugly lion that was lonly and had no social life

then an ugly man started to stare at them
then the ugly man threw a box of colorful crayons at the ugly lions

then the ugly lion turned into an uglyier alian

then he beet up the ugly guy and went to a vollyball game

then he got hungry and felt like eating so he just ate rebeca and then it coughed her out

Monday, May 17, 2010

myspace is an example of web 2.0
myspace is an example because you can actualy talk to a person far away in actual time.
you can do alot of things on myspace like talk, reed coments, look at peoples status, and do alot more things.
this is also a way of web 2.0 because you can actualy talk in ereel fas time and it wouldnt really matter if you are in a different time zone

face book is another kind of example of web 2.0 you can do alot of things that myspace can do and probubly a little bit more. you can upload photos, cusimize your profile talk play games and alot more. face book is preatty much like another myspace but different.

i dont really know that much for twiter so ill just make stuff up. you can talk to freinds instantly you can preatty much do all of the above. so in twitter you can like put in comments that are 140 charechters (letters) or less. you can also comment videos status and pictures.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

felipes poem

my name is felipe
i really like to sleep
freinds are jak and mac
they really arent jacked.
i like to eat snacks that wernt in the trash
and i really like cash.
my favorite color is blue
it reminds me of a view.
my hobby is myspace and im on
24/7 even though ledell tells me
to stop :(